Begin Something. Train. Improve Your Life. Teach Others What You Learn Through Your Own Journey. Make Mistakes. And Learn From Them.
How can you start?
How to Start?
It’s one of those questions that gets you nowhere. It’s a way of putting off something you’ll have to begin eventually. Do you want to train? Do you want to enjoy more energy and better health? Do you want to look in the mirror and feel proud of yourself?
What do you really want? If you don’t know, then your question should be: What don’t you want? And here’s where I can help by giving you an answer that might go something like this:
I don’t want a body that holds me back. I don’t want to spend all day lying on the couch, doing nothing meaningful with my life. I don’t want…
After this, I understand that in your vision for the future, training will likely be part of the equation. And if not, that’s okay—someday you’ll realize it.
Now, if you’ve kept reading, maybe it’s because you’ve decided to start. And I admire that. Not everyone takes action—many spend their whole lives clinging to their New Year’s resolutions and endless to-do lists.
Get down on the floor and do as many push-ups as you can.
After that, read on.
The truth is, I never paid attention to any fitness guru.
There are so many out there who will try to sell you all kinds of stuff—even things that don’t actually work—because that’s how the market operates. I started on my own, training with the basics. If I ever had doubts, I’d watch a tutorial or two.
So, how can I help you?
First, let me give you the raw truth: I don’t have any magic formula. I can’t even guarantee that what worked for me will work for you—though, to be honest, I don’t have many doubts about it. I’ve achieved a physique many would call “dreamlike,” and I did it by practicing just a few basic exercises.
No spending long hours in a gym where you can’t even breathe fresh air. Everything I’ve done has been, let’s say, “a bit more natural”—training in outdoor parks with pull-up bars, soaking in the sunlight, and simply enjoying the process.
I believe there’s no point in talking too much because what we’re after here is fewer words and more action.
I can help you achieve a great physique, but, more than my help, what you need is your own. You need the drive to push yourself and refuse to settle for mediocrity.
If this resonates with you, download my free eBook where you can learn more about my story and find some basic exercises to get you started.
And if you’re looking for something more personalized, I’m considering launching a one-on-one coaching program. If you’re interested, drop me a message, and let’s see if we can work together.